Sunday, August 31, 2008


Thanks to all of you who submitted these! Now KEEP PRAYING!
With Love and Appreciation.........
Angie Samples

Lori's Direct Link from

Here is the link.....

It seems that several people are now doing online blogs for this family, the link above I think may be the one they are doing there own, so at this time I will bow out and have you go directly to this one, Otherwise there is just duplicate info going around......I see others are posting pictures as well, I will post the pics I have received, but these will be the last ones.
Thank you on behalf of the family and from myself as well! Please be sure to check this out again, if by chance you forget the link to their online blog, you can always come back here to re-click! :)

May God bless each of and everyone of you who have followed this story thus far, DO NOT FORGET THIS is imperative that you continue to pray for them.....I know from personal experience that news travels like a wildfire but more often than not when the " NEW- NEWNESS" wears do not hear from people quite as much. Please don't do this to them! They need to hear your encouraging words, they need to read them as well in the cards that you send, in the emails, in the online guest book entries......Thanks again!

~ Angie

Saturday, August 30, 2008


I have posted the link directly and I am having trouble with the visual, but regardless you can hear the audio. Please continue to pray! Pray that the Lord used this story to move peoples hearts and they will not only send prayer support but financial as well. ( Personal experience in this area as well, the Lord provides in so many unusal ways!!!)



A news station in the Cinninati area reported on Matt and Lori's story, and since have come back to do an interview. If you would like to see it, please click on the link below.

Have A Great Lord's Day!
~ Angie



Well Matt is doing better....we are still celebrating little victories with them along the way. When I say HORRAY for Pain, I know it sounds werid, but the more pain , in more places that he feels, the better chance is that he indedd has feeling in that area and that is a good thing....they did surgery and when they got in there they realized things w/his shoulder were not as bad as they had thought. They put plates and pins in it, but mostly no talk of prosthetic one now ( PTL!!!) He is in and out of consciousness, and that is good, he gives indication with his face that he is in pain , and that is good. Please pray that the Lord will give him strength and allow him to be able to handle the pain.

Heidi and Haleigh were able to start spending time together again, as Haleigh is in Rehab....I know from personal "TWIN" expereince that this has been hard on Heidi, as God gives twins such a special bond. Pray that she can be the best blessing to her sister through all of this!

I'm Back.....

Dear Blog Readers

I apologize but I had to be out of my home office for a few days and although I have been talking to Lori, I was not in a place where I could update! -Sorry.

I want to take a minute and thank all of you that have been sending in pictures!!!!! I just know that they whole family loves and appreciates them! And it has been fun to see all the different ones come in....I have some to post even now and I will try to get on that A.S.A.P. Thanks Again!

~ Angie

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hospital Address

If you would like to send a card to any of the DeLange Family , I am sure that they would appreciate it.

University Hospital-
234 Godman St
Cincinnati, OH 45219